I'm still in the mix trying to hold it all together. I have a full load that includes three different vocal classes this semester. All the while, I'm still rehearsing, gigging, and working on my project P.S.A. due to be released in June 2010.*fingers crossed*
I've never been vocally trained. So I would say that I've relied on natural, raw talent to get me by in the past. But that doesn't fly in class. I have professors who can all seem to spot my vocal weaknesses within seconds. And because I cant see what they see, I get frustrated.
They all seem to be trying to push me (which I totally understand and greatly appreciate.) But there is this one professor who really pushes. I mean he PUSHES ME. It seems like he is always riding me. "J," (he calls me J) "your breathing is too shallow! Drop your jaw! Diction! Tonality!" And it drives me nuts most of the time. I look around class thinking, "Am I the only one who is messing up because this person right beside me is clearly not on the right note and I am. Why is he picking on me?" I'm almost ashamed to say, but I teared up last class. Usually, I just brush it off, but for some reason, this time, I kind of broke down. I didn't understand why I wasn't getting it. I sing so well outside of class, but in class I suck! Everything was new to me. I wanted to "flex" or "squall" as the singers would say. But what he was asking took control, discipline, and PATIENCE.
After talking it out with some friends, I realized that I have to throw everything that I thought I knew about singing out of the window. I HAVE to do this in order to receive and be able to apply the new techniques that are being given to me. I know that in the long run, it will help me tremendously. So I have to stick with it: Start from scratch and re-learn everything.
And today it hit me. Life is a lot like this. Sometimes we get complacent, stagnant, and so used to things being a certain way that we are opposed to any change of circumstances or anything new in our lives regardless of whether it will benefit us or not. I think my opposition came from fear. The fear that my voice would change or that I would lose something valuable. But I realized that by allowing myself to give in to what was being taught, I was actually gaining something a lot more valuable.
If we only allow ourselves to open up, act in humilty and let go of what we think we know, we can begin to learn more and receive bigger and better things in our lives. Sometimes we have to be stripped of what we already have in order to make room for what we are about to receive. But we can only receive it if we let go of the old in order to make room for the new.