But what about the quiet ones...the calm ones..the cool ones...the ones that remain a mystery? The ones that the Average Joe can rarely ever figure out or understand. People will always want to test their patience. Why?...because they are calm. People wanna know what makes them tick, what rubs them the wrong way. Why...human nature I guess??? Who knows. There is always a struggle for control. And you can't control what you don't know or understand.
If you think I'm lying...just take a few days to examine your friends. Which one is the hot-head and which one is the cool one? Watch to see how people respond to each...and see if what I'm saying doesn't hold true. People will more than likely try to come at the person who is known to be the calm and cool one when there is a misunderstanding or disagreement. They will think twice before they even begin to bother the "hothead." Why?? I have no earthly idea? Well I do, but I don't wanna go there in this post.
Everybody wants to be the man. But everybody is not. These people who are not "the man" but want to be so badly are who I like the call....THE BUTTON PUSHERS!! The sole purpose for their existence is to push your buttons. They make it their business to piss you off. Your reactions to their button pushing is dependent upon how important they feel about themselves. If you don't react to them, it enrages them and they try to find more buttons to push and most of the time will not stop until they get some sort of response. When you do react, it gives them a sense of relief and a sense of satisfaction. Sad but true.
You ever heard the saying, "emotions will have you broke." It's so very true.
Sometimes you gotta suck it up and bite the bullet. If you don't...you will be the one with a thousand great songs that on one ever hears because you don't know how to control your temper. It takes many sacrifices to make it in this business. I MEAN A LOT OF THEM! You gotta know when the light is green and when it's red. Blowing up at every little thing is not a good look or a smart move.
And here's the worst part of it. Sometimes to test you, people will purposely push your buttons to see how you will react. They wanna know how you are going to respond when you are pissed off. Will you be able to keep your head? Can you express yourself and your difference of opinions without crossing the line? You've got to keep your cool. No matter how angry you get... you might not wanna blow a fuse when you aren't the one holding all the cards. A move like that could have you out in the cold and broke. And know that, the more calm you are, the more they will try to test your patience. Your task is to hold it together. Say what you have to say, but just be careful how you say it because the main ones trying to test you aren't the ones who hold the cards either. They are more than likely the ones who want to be "the man." You don't want to let a "button-pusher" cost you an opportunity. But you don't want to continue to be disrespected either. There is fine line. If you execute correctly, your point will be made loud and clear and you will still be able to continue on your path to success.
The object of this music game for some is to see how many they can take out or how many will take themselves out. Don't give major attention to minor people or things. Concentrate on what's important and keep your eye on the finish line. You don't wanna let anything insignificant and petty ruin your potential opportunity because at the end of the day..if you think about it...it's really not that serious. HANG IN THERE!! If you get mad and take yourself out of the game...then what is the purpose? All your talent goes to waste. They will be moving on with their lives making money while you are on the sideline still mad about something that doesn't affect them either way. Sad but true. It makes YOU look like the fool...a broke fool! :-/
Moral of the story....keep your focus. And don't let people push your buttons. Know when to agree, agree to disagree, and disagree without being disagreeable. It's important to know how to separate the personal from the business. And know when it's business it's never personal.
Stay Focused! Which one would you rather be.....