Monday, January 11, 2010

♪♫ ♪♫Live your life....Aye...aye...aye!♪♫ ♪♫

"Mind your own business!!!"

One of the most commonly used phrases of all time. We all use the term so loosely. Why is the phrase used so much? Is it because people really don't mind their own businesses?

Hmmmmmmm????? Let's play the question game real quick...a couple of hypotheticals to get you thinking...

If you saw your friend cheating…would you interject or not? What about if you saw your friend physically abusing his/her significant other, then would it be okay to interject or not?

Who would you confront...the friend or the person you saw your friend cheating with? Supposed the other person knew your friend was involved or married and simply did not care? Then what? Or what if that person did not know your friend was involved? Then who is to blame? Supposed your friend got angry with you because he/she claimed you weren't minding your own business?

And let's say, after all the dust settled, your friend still decided to cheat, only with someone else. Then what was it all for...were your actions in vain? Where you right or wrong to intervene? Was it really any of your business?

And what about a woman in the abusive relationship?

What if you tried to rescue her? What if she didn't want to be rescued? What if your friend claimed you weren't minding your own business and you got into a physical altercation with him and SHE got angry with you instead of him? Supposed she called the police...ON YOU? Suppose YOU went to jail? And let's just say your friend decided to cut you off over this. And what if after all that, she still went back to him. Again I ask, what was it all for...were your efforts to save a battered woman in vain?

Either way , was it really any of your business? This is where we leave Black and White and enter the Grey area. Where do we draw the line? What one man may see as fulfilling his civic duty the other may see as "Hating." So which one is it? Who is right and who is wrong...

It's simple...there is no right and no wrong. There are so many variables. It all depends on each particular person and situation.

And that is just it...You have to go off of what you feel and what you believe. I am the one who doesn't believe in interjecting unless asked...If I see something someone else is doing I try to keep my mouth closed and I let the universe work its magic. Even when response is usually, "No, your situation has nothing to do with me!" Unless I am directly involved and it does not pose a threat to my career or my sanity, there's no need. I could care less. But I can't tell those who do the opposite that they are wrong. Acceptance is ideal here. You have to accept the fact that the next man may care about something that you could care less about. I think they are stupid. But then again who am I to judge? They may think the same about me...which is even more stupid...but I digress! Anyway...

In the music business, it is absolutely imperative that you mind your own. It is dog eat dog...and every new opportunity has the potential to blossom or blow up in your face. This is a game of chess, you must make your moves carefully and only intervene when necessary or as it relates to yourself. No one really has the time to butt into someone else's business, they are too busy trying to fix their own. If you have the time...then there is obviously a lack of focus on your own career. You are in charge of your own destiny.

When have you ever heard any rumors of Beyonce going out of her way to hate on or diss another singer or anyone who steps to Jay-z for that's rare...think about it. She never even bothers to fight back. She disappears when need be and is always focused on her next move, not the people who insist on interjecting in her life. When people hate on her, she fights through her music, by succeeding. There is a reason why she is on top. And the ones who took the focus off of their own careers to try and intervene in her life are where?.....ummm right MY POINT EXACTLY!

That is why we have free will and the power to choose. You are a slave to your own choices. You choose your battles. Hopefully you choose wisely because, in the end, it could cost you! If it works to your advantage…then great! But if it doesn’t, you can only blame yourself. Can we just say...THE DOMINO EFFECT!? You'll come out with scars and bullet wounds that weren't meant for you but for the person whose business you were trying to mind. And you can only be mad at yourself. You will look up one day and find the person you were so worried about 10 steps ahead of you. And you will wonder when and how they got there. It's simple...they were minding their own business when you thought they were so worried about you. And you’ll find yourself wondering was it worth it…then you’ll be asking yourself…why didn’t I just mind my own business??!!

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