Long time...I miss you all. But this has been the most hectic month ever and we're only five days into it.
Firstly, I'm now enrolled in school at the University of the District of Columbia pursing a degree in Music with a concentration in Voice Performance and a Minor in keyboard. Secondly, I'm still working on P.S.A.. The project is coming along well. And I am really excited about the turn it's taking...I think we have some really good material and I can't wait for you to hear it. I've been so busy, I can hardly think straight.
On the surface, it may look like I have it all together but trust me, you guys have no idea what I've been through the last couple of weeks. DC has had the most snow days this winter since I've been here and the day it started to snow again my precious car was towed. For what? Yep...you guessed it...unpaid parking tickets. So I don't pay my parking tickets...who does?...shoot me! :-) They decided to take the car on the weekend when all of the offices were closed. I couldn't really get upset...I knew this was coming. I just didn't know when and this was all my fault. I just had to stay calm and wait until the following Monday to get the car. :-(
So Monday morning, I wake up bright and early to go get my baby out of the impound. I kept calling but for some reason I couldn't get a cab. It took me 4 hours to finally realize that no one was coming so I walked down the block to catch the bus. When I finally got to the DMV, paid the tickets, and retrieved my car, I was relieved. It literally took all day. But the day went a little more smoothly than I had planned so I had no complaints. I was just glad to have my car back.
I'm driving along highway 295 singing along to Drake and Timberland's "Say Something" on the 93.9fm radio station when I hear this big pop and all of a sudden my car starts to pull towards the right...almost like my alignment was off or something. So I pulled over and discovered that I had a flat tire. In my mind I'm thinking...I'm going to miss my class. I immediately call roadside assistance and guess what happened next? My cell phone was dead. By then, I began to panic. I was stuck on the side of the road with a spare and no jack and a cell with a dead battery. And just when I started to give up, this random guy pulled up beside me. Thank God he had a cell charger and he allowed me to borrow it so that I could complete my roadside assistance call.
And as he pulled off I listened to the roadside assistant representative tell me that she was having trouble contacting a driver in my area. I WAS STUCK. By now I'm thinking, I'm never going to make it to class. She told me she would keep trying and right as I got off the phone with her, a DC truck pulled behind me with these big flashing headlights. As I looked in my rearview mirror...I felt like I saw the lights of God. LOL! I was so relieved. The guy changed my tired for me and I was off to class. The day had been saved and all was well again. Until...
I get about a block away from my place and as I'm slowing down to make a turn, I all of a sudden hear tires screeching and I hear this loud crash. I feel this big force that jerked my car forward. At first I'm a bit delusional...In my mind I am thinking somebody had a wreck. Then seconds later, I realize that somebody was me. So as I'm getting out of the car this lady walks up to me and asks me if I'm okay. I tell her yes. When my mind finally comes back to planet earth...I see that I was involved in a three car accident and I was hit from behind. I was fine, Thank God. Everybody involved was fine. No broken bones, just a little damage to my car.
Well that day, I didn't make it to class. :-( But the next day, I woke up with a new perspective and a more determined frame of mind. While telling friends my story, I watched while people's jaws dropped. They couldn't believe all of this happened in one day. Neither could I. I was even more surprised that I handled it as well as I did without over-reacting and mentally jumping off the ledge. But one friend in particular said something that really stood out to me.
"When you are on the right path and doing well, there will be evil forces that come in to try to steer you off course. They don't want you to get to where you are going. They come to try and trick you into thinking that you aren't where you need to be and to influence you to give up."
DON'T GIVE UP!! The path on the road less traveled is always more narrow. So I say to those evil forces..."That's all you got?"
Haha...I'm built for this.
When life hands you lemons....
make lemon drop martinis and sell them!!! :-)
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